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Boarding School: Are you ready?
Boarding School
Are You Ready?

Students and parents who complete the eight tasks below are best prepared to initiate the boarding school application process.

Having completed the checklist below, they are well positioned to proceed with the full confidence that their son or daughter will be placed in a prestigious boarding school that is both a healthy and optimal match given his or her academic, extracurricular, and social aspirations.

Task #1: Plan Ahead! Budget on at least 12 months ahead of time. Gather as much information about studying abroad as possible.

Task #2: Learn! Consult with numerous Education Centers, educate yourself on study abroad.

Task #3: Get in touch! Learn about life abroad from students (and their parents) studying abroad.

Task #4: Be cognizant! Understand the testing requirements of your prospective schools.

Task #5: Research! Read about the particulars of each of your prospective school: e.g. competitiveness of admissions, matriculation date, total number of students, tuition, halls of residence, proportion of foreign students, English language programs, and so on.

Task #6: Study! Acquire school prospectuses and student/parent handbooks for each of your prospective schools and familiarize yourself with their respective admissions procedure.

Task #7: Understand! Learn about the surrounding living environment focusing on the nearest international airport, transport to/from the school, weather, local culture, and so on.

Task #8: Prepare! Get as much information about the student visa as possible including key points in dealing with consular officials, visa duration, visa application process, interviews, fees, and so on.

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